First page of letter from Christian Dior to his father, Maurice, informing him that Catherine will be coming home. Photo by anonymous (29 May 1945). Collection Christian Dior Parfums, Paris.
Raphaelle Crevet | Certified Tour Guide, Paris, FranceStewart Ross’ book is full of interesting documents and research, it put you well on the tracks of Marie Antoinette, Danton, Robespierre and many more, whether in Paris or in Versailles, extremely interesting and easy to read!
Cynthia Bisson, PhD, Professor of History, Belmont University, French Resistant Expert“Informative and entertaining, Stew Ross’ newest work evokes a difficult and frightening time in the history of the City of Light. The detailed descriptions of sites such as the Vél’ d’hiv’ or Gestapo headquarters reminds us of the choices people made during those years.”
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