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What Could I Do With This Monster?


As I dream of this book hitting Oprah’s “Book of the Month” chart (too bad I can’t go on her show now that it’s off the air), I’m starting to think that the structure, style and content of the book may lend itself to a multiple series of these niche travel guides…

…yes, I know. There has to be a market for it. Read More What Could I Do With This Monster?

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How Did I Start This Little Project?

How Did I Start
Place de la Concorde


Well, I was going to write a book called “The Mindset of Networking™” as part of my “day job”. I run a company called Southeast Business Forums, LLC. It is a business-to-business, senior level networking organization. I wanted to have a short book that I could autograph and hand to my new members. The other motivating factor was to gain credibility because we all know that you’re looked at differently when someone finds out you are a published author. Read More How Did I Start This Little Project?