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Why Would You Buy This Book Just To Go To Paris?

Why Would You Buy This Book
The Eiffel Tower at sunrise from the Trocadéro. Photo by Tristan Nitot (2005). PD-CCA 3.0. Wikimedia Commons.

YOU WOULDN’T. If you did or are thinking of doing so, we need to talk.

Everyone goes to Paris for different reasons. Most go to cross off this city on the old travel bucket list.  They go for one-week or a couple of days. That’s okay if all you’re after are the tourist sites.

How do you like to travel? What turns you on when you travel abroad? Read More Why Would You Buy This Book Just To Go To Paris?

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Okay, Okay, When Are You Going To Tell Us Where They Put The Guillotine?


I’m not…..You’ll have to buy the book.

But I’ll give you a hint. They moved the guillotine all around the city. There were three major spots where it was erected. The problem they had was that after a while, the stench was so bad (especially in the hot and humid summers) that the neighbors complained and it would have to be moved once again to a new location. Read More Okay, Okay, When Are You Going To Tell Us Where They Put The Guillotine?