Hello Everyone;
I wanted to take this opportunity to update you with some more news. Before I do, thank you to everyone who reached out to us after our announcements were published last week. Very nice to hear from all of you and we appreciated your kind words of support.
Sandy and I have reached the decision to fire Amazon as our retail outlet for the books. It has become too expensive to do business with Amazon and a general lack of support leaves us very frustrated at times.
This decision only affects the physical book sales. Kindle sales will remain on the Amazon site. As you can imagine, it is a much more cost effective delivery process.
Our decision was not made lightly. I’ve always had the opinion that being on Amazon is a sign of validity. I guess it’s sort of like having a business card to hand out or a business web site. If you don’t have either, you or your business could be viewed in a negative way. However, there comes a time when it doesn’t make any sense to continue with a business model that loses money. Sure, we could increase the price of the book, but I didn’t want to do that as the increase would need to be extremely high.
So, we will begin to sell our books direct from our inventory. We will pay for the postage within the United States and each book will be personally autographed (in the past, books purchased through Amazon were not autographed). While we can’t match the Amazon promise of 2-day delivery, I suspect that is not a purchase barrier for our readers.
Well, that’s it for now.
Next Blog: “The Collar Pocket”
Correspondence and Commentary Policy
We welcome everyone to contact us either directly or through the individual blogs. Sandy and I review every piece of correspondence before it is approved to be published on the blog site. Our policy is to accept and publish comments that do not project hate, political, religious stances, or an attempt to solicit business (yeah, believe it or not, we do get that kind of stuff). Like many bloggers, we receive quite a bit of what is considered “Spam.” Those e-mails are immediately rejected without discussion.
Our blogs are written to inform our readers about history. We want to ensure discussions are kept within the boundary of historical facts and context without personal bias or prejudice.
We average about one e-mail every two days from our readers. We appreciate all communication because in many cases, it has led to friendships around the world.
There may be a chance that after we publish this particular blog, the video links associated with the blog are no longer accessible. We have no control over this. Many times, whoever posts the video has done so without the consent of the video’s owner. In some cases, it is likely that the content is deemed unsuitable by YouTube. We apologize if you have tried to access the link and you don’t get the expected results. Same goes for internet links.
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Walks Through History
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