This is a “brief” excerpt from an interview conducted by Mike Russert and Wayne Clark for the New York State Military Museum. They interviewed Sonia Malkine (1923−2014) on 18 January 2002. Sonia was a résistant in France during the German Occupation and these are some of her recollections as a teenager fighting the Nazis. At the end of this lengthy, albeit abbreviated interview, I will recap Sonia’s life story including, her career as a folk singer⏤so, hang in here with me. I will provide you with a link to the full interview⏤it is well worth your time to read the full interview.

Q: Today we are interviewing Sonia Malkine. It is January 18th, 2002. We’re in Shady, New York. Ms. Malkine, where were you born?
A: I was born in Paris. Read More The Singing Résistant