When we usually think about the contributions women made during World War II, it is typically nurses and “Rosie Riveters” who come to mind. While I’ve previously discussed women serving as foreign spies in the occupied countries (read Women Agents of the SOEhere), cryptanalysts (read Unit 387 & Hillsdalehere), and pilots ferrying planes from manufacturing facilities to domestic air bases (read Killed In The Service Of Her Countryhere ), there were other jobs equally important (and dangerous) to the war efforts which American women filled. While today we don’t agree with this, there were two fundamental beliefs at that time: women should not be allowed in uniform let alone go into combat and all troops had to be segregated. However, regardless of color and gender, many of the women who stepped up to volunteer for the military (the idea of drafting women was dropped immediately after it was suggested) filled roles which allowed more men to go into combat. Today, you will meet the only unit of all-female soldiers to be deployed overseas during World War II and it was an African-American battalion in the Women’s Army Corps.
Soldiers of the 6888th marching in formation. Photo by anonymous (c. 1945). PD-U.S. Government.
Today we’re going to introduce you to a brilliant woman whose contributions in both world wars of the twentieth-century ensured Allied victories. After World War II, her efforts were shoved aside, and others took the credit while her extraordinary skills were, and this is putting it mildly, underutilized. However, in today’s world when we bemoan the lack of women in the field of writing code, a century ago, Elizebeth Smith Friedman was a ground-breaking cryptanalyst or, codebreaker. In other words, she did the complete opposite of writing code ⏤she broke it.
Elizebeth Smith Friedman, US cryptanalyst. Photo by U.S. Government (date unknown). NSA. PD-U.S. Government. Wikimedia Commons.
Did You Know?
Did you know that the Japanese had an encryption machine similar to the Nazi’s enigma machine? The Allies called it the “Purple Encryption Machine.” After the Japanese learned that the Americans had broken their code in 1936, they developed a new system to encipher their messages. The Japanese called their new machine the “97 Alphabetical Typewriter” or, better known to the American spy organizations as “Purple.” It was made up of two typewriters with an electrical rotor system and a 25-character alphabetic switchboard. The machine was actually an improvement over the Nazi enigma machine. Without going into a lot of technical stuff (because I don’t understand it), suffice it to say, “Purple” was extremely difficult to crack. The U.S. Army hired William Friedman in 1939 to break the “Purple” code. It took Friedman and his team almost three years to fully decipher “Purple.” In the process, Friedman had a mental breakdown and was hospitalized. Despite never having seen an actual “Purple” machine, Friedman’s team was able to reconstruct one and produced eight functional replicas. Two years into the war, the Allies were able to track the Japanese navy’s movements as well as other military communications. Friedman had cracked enough of the “Purple” code by 1941 to learn the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, this knowledge was never used.
Fragment of an original Japanese Type 97 “Purple” cipher machine. Photo by United States Air Force (2007). National Museum. PD-U.S. Government. Wikimedia Commons.William Friedman in front of an AT&T cipher machine. Photo by anonymous (c. 1919). PD-Published prior to 1924. Wikimedia Commons.
Let’s Meet Elizebeth Smith Friedman
Elizebeth Smith Friedman. Photo by anonymous (date unknown). Courtesy of the George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, Virginia.
Elizebeth Smith (1892-1980) was one of ten children born into an Indiana Quaker family. She attended Wooster College (Ohio) but transferred to Hillsdale College (Michigan) in 1913. Elizebeth joined the Pi Beta Phi (“Pi Phi”) sorority and graduated in 1915 with a degree in English literature (a favorite author was Shakespeare). After moving back to her parent’s home and a stint in the public-school system, Elizebeth was asked to join Riverbank Laboratories which was owned by Colonel George Fabyan (1867-1936). It seems the Colonel Fabyan and Elizebeth shared a common interest in Shakespeare and he wanted her to help prove his theory that Sir Francis Bacon had written Shakespeare’s plays. Read More Unit 387 & Hillsdale College
“Stew blends the dark history of buildings in Paris that are associated with the infamous deeds of the Gestapo with contrasting insights into the bravery of the French people, who, at great risk to themselves and their families, secretly resisted the German Occupation.”
Stanley Booker, MBE, RAF (Ret.), Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur
“Another outstanding, well-researched, and presented book by Stew Ross. It gives a detailed guided walking tour full of facts about the activities of the Gestapo during their occupation of Paris during World War II. I highly recommend this book to everyone who has an interest in what life was like during the Nazi occupation in France.”
Richard H.F. Neave, President Royal British Legion Paris branch, member Paris-based Libre Résistance SOE “F” Section and author of SOE: A Life in the Shadows