We have a lot of different types of birds in Southwest Florida. While many of them are very beautiful, we’re especially attracted to the birds of prey, or raptors. They include ospreys, hawks (e.g., red-tailed, red-shouldered, and short-tailed), vultures (black and turkey), falcons, merlin, owls (e.g., barred and great horned), and kite (e.g., snail, swallow-tailed, and white-tailed). These are the birds that hunt and swoop down on our canal looking for lunch every day (except the vultures⏤they only eat dead stuff).
Before America entered the war, England was alone in its battle against the Nazis. The “smart” money was betting against their survival. One of the challenges Churchill faced was the German navy and in particular, the Unterseeboot, or the U-boat. How was England going to stop the wolfpacks from sinking merchant ships carrying critical supplies to the island?

The answer was a small group of extremely intelligent women. During World War II, women played an extremely important role in winning the war against Hitler and the Nazis. They were résistants, pilots, mechanics, code breakers, factory workers, and yes, even soldiers. Some of them were birds of a different feather but in the end, the Wrens were more like raptors. Read More The Wrens