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New Forest Airfields

How have I come up with blog topics every two weeks for more than ten years? They originate from very diverse origins, but my favorite source is you. Many of our readers communicate with us and either provide specific topics or in the course of discussions, give me the idea for a future topic. Our topic today was inspired by Pat Vinycomb. Pat let us know her father, Stan Booker (click here to read the blog, Last Train Out of Paris), recently donated his World War II RAF uniform to the “Friends of the New Forest Airfields” (more on that later).

We’ve previously written about RAF (Royal Air Force) stations used by Allied fighters and bombers (click here to read, Rendezvous with the Gestapo and here to read Biggin Hill). But it wasn’t until Pat introduced me to the new non -profit organization that I began to research the twelve New Forest airfields and learn about the English air bases and how they were used during World War II (both in England and Europe).

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6 December 2023

11:30 − 12:30 (EST)

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Did You Know?

Did you know Robert Fripp (a founding member of the King Crimson progressive rock band) is the nephew of Alfred “Alfie” Fripp, the longest surviving British POW of World War II? Alfred Fripp (1914−2013) joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1930 after the navy rejected him due to his height. After various assignments, Alfie became a flight sergeant in No 57 Squadron RAF and was a reconnaissance observer over Germany on a Bristol Blenheim aircraft. His aircraft was shot down on 13 October 1939 (England had declared war on Germany six weeks earlier on 3 September 1939). Alfie and his pilot, Mike Casey, were quickly captured and Alfie was sent to the first of his twelve POW camps over the next four and a half years before his liberation in 1945.

Alfie Fripp and his parents.
Alfie Fripp and his parents. Photo by anonymous (c. 1917). PD-Author’s life plus 70 years or fewer. Wikimedia Commons.

During his imprisonment at Stalag Luft III, Alfie became involved in the “Great Escape” in March 1944. He collected maps from Red Cross parcels as well as scrounging up digging tools. He was transferred to another POW camp about two months before the big escape. Only three POWs successfully escaped while fifty men, including Mike Casey, were captured, and murdered by the Gestapo.

RCAF Bristol Blenheim Mk I in flight. This is a similar type aircraft that Alfie Fripp was flying in when the plane went down, and Alfie was captured.
RCAF Bristol Blenheim Mk I in flight. This is a similar type aircraft that Alfie Fripp was flying in when the plane went down, and Alfie was captured. Photo by anonymous (date unknown). PD-Expired copyright. Wikimedia Commons.

Alfie retired from the RAF in 1969 as a Squadron Leader. When he passed away at the age of 98, Alfie was the last of the “39ers,” or those men taken prisoner in 1939. After his uncle died, Robert Fripp performed a musical tribute to Alfie on the BBC.

New Forest

The New Forest is one of the largest remaining tracts of forest, pasture, and heathland (i.e., peat used for fuel) in southern England. Today, about ninety percent of the land belongs to the monarchy. It has been inhabited since the Bronze Age, but the soil quality is poor (very acidic) and not very suitable for agricultural purposes. The area was proclaimed a “Royal Forest” by William the Conqueror, and it was the only forest described in detail in the Domesday Book. Read More New Forest Airfields

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Desktop Murderer & British Agent

In May 1945, several senior Gestapo officials made their way to Dahme, Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany on the Bay of Lübeck) to prevent their arrest by the Allies. Officials at the British Field Security Post in Lübeck learned about these men and their hiding place from a captured Gestapo man. Immediately, British military police drove 31 miles to the Strandhotel and arrested five former Gestapo men ⏤ two officers and three NCOs. Taken back to Lübeck, the prisoners were turned over for interrogation at the city’s Marstall prison.

Strandhotel in Dahme, Schleswig-Holstein
Strandhotel in Dahme, Schleswig-Holstein. Photo by Google Maps (date unknown).

One of those men was SS-Sturmbannführer and Kriminaldirektor, Horst Kopkow. At the time of his arrest, Kopkow was a relatively unknown Gestapo official but as time went on and the British interrogated former Gestapo men, Kopkow’s name kept being brought up. It turned out he was the department chief responsible for counterintelligence (i.e., arresting foreign agents), the German radio program known as “Funkspiel,” and well-regarded by his superiors for his knowledge of Soviet espionage.

Former Marstall Prison on the right
On the right is a section of the former Marstall prison. Photo by Heinrich Stürzl (1 June 2021). ©️ Heinrich Stürzl. PD-CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Wikimedia Commons.

After extensive official and unofficial investigations, it became clear that Kopkow was personally responsible for sanctioning the torture and ordering the executions of foreign agents of MI6 and the British-led Special Operations Executive (SOE). I’ve written before about Hitler’s “enablers” (click here to read the blog, Hitler’s Enablers – Part One – Wannsee Conference and here for Hitler’s Enablers – Part Two – The Camps). Kopkow was an enabler but as Stephen Tyas points out in his book (see below), the Gestapo chief was a “desktop murderer.” He never personally pulled the trigger or hanged a prisoner, but he signed the Sonder behandlung, or “Special treatment” orders from his Berlin desk. In the end, he escaped justice because of the protection provided by British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), or MI6.

Did You Know?

Did you know that one individual was responsible for preparing France for the invasion of Normandy (i.e., D-Day)? During World War II, Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac (1917−2015) served as Gen. de Gaulle’s propaganda chief. As the preparations for the Normandy invasion intensified during early 1944, M. Crémieux-Brilhac was assigned the responsibility for telling French citizens how to react once the inevitable invasion took place and efforts to liberate France began. He was secretary of the Free French Propaganda Committee, and he drew up four pages of instructions to “all French men and women not organized in, or attached to, a Resistance group.” Those instructions were handed over to the French service of the BBC. Separate orders were drawn up for broadcast to members of the Maquis. (These were the famous “personal” messages read out on the BBC in advance of the invasion ⏤ click here to read the blog, Dah-Dah-Dah-Duh.)

Crémieux-Brilhac’s messages were directed to the population in general as well as specific instructions to mayors, police, factory workers, etc. The biggest disagreement about the “call-to-arms” was between the Communists and the Gaullists. Communist resistance fighters were very influential in the French Resistance, and they demanded an all-out insurrection (i.e., general worker strikes and armed insurrection) on the eventual day of the invasion. M. Crémieux-Brilhac and the majority resisted the Communists’ demands and the majority won.

The instructions to the French were that “all French must consider themselves as engaged in the total war against the invader in order to liberate their homeland.” He made it clear that the French were to consider themselves “all soldiers under orders” and “Every Frenchman who is not, or not yet, a fighter must consider himself an auxiliary to the fighters.” Citizens living within the Normandy combat zone were instructed to “disrupt using all means transport, transmissions, and communications of the Germans.”

Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac
Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac. Photo by anonymous (date unknown).

After liberation, the original instruction documents were retained by M. Crémieux-Brilhac. Upon his death in 2015, the papers were donated to the French National Archives.

Let’s Meet Horst Kopkow 

Horst Kopkow (1910−1996) was born in East Prussia, Germany (now Poland) as the sixth child of a businessman and hotel owner. His childhood city, Allenstein, was overrun by the Russian army during the first world war and two of his older brothers died in the trenches on the French battlefields. These memories heavily influenced his vision of Russia and later, the Soviet Union with Kopkow vowing to fight Communism the rest of his life. Read More Desktop Murderer & British Agent