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The Argentina Papers

Two of our previous blogs discussed Hitler’s enablers (refer to blogs, Hitler’s Enablers – Part One and Hitler’s Enablers – Part Two [click here to read part one and here to read part two]). Without hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people to carry out his orders, policies, and directives, Hitler would likely never have attained the status of the greatest mass murderer in the history of mankind. For a myriad of reasons, the majority of the Führer’s enablers went unpunished or if convicted, never fully served their sentences (click here to read the blog The Wisemen). For one group of enablers (i.e., war criminals), their post-war stories centered around the “ratlines” (click here to read the blog ODESSA: Myth or Truth?) that guided them out of Europe and in many cases, to South America (in particular, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile). For some (e.g., Josef Mengele, Aloïs Brunner, and Walter Rauff), they managed to either elude capture or were protected by a dictator and ultimately died in their “adopted” country. Others such as Franz Stangl, Josef Schwammberger, and Erich Priebke were eventually extradited to West Germany where they were convicted and died in prison.

Today’s blog is about Adolf Eichmann, one of the most notorious Nazis responsible for the organization and execution of the Final Solution. (Contrary to certain article headlines, Eichmann was not the “architect” of the Final Solution⏤he carried out the orders.) Eichmann’s capture in Argentina by the Mossad in 1960 and subsequent trial in Israel in 1961 were significant events on the world stage. Not widely known for his role in the Holocaust, Eichmann’s trial re-opened the file on Nazi atrocities and provoked a world-wide discussion about the Holocaust and Nazi genocide⏤topics that had been suppressed for fifteen years. Read More The Argentina Papers

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Odessa: Myth or Truth?

The answer is both. Odessa or Organisation der ehemaligen SS−Angehörigen (Organization of Former SS Members) was the code word used by the American Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) to describe an umbrella operation to aid former Nazis in their escape to South America. You’re probably familiar with the fictional Odessa from having read Frederick Forsyth’s 1972 book, The Odessa File, or more likely, having seen the 1974 movie by the same name (starring Jon Voight). Forsyth portrayed Odessa as a secret organization run strictly by and for former Nazi SS men escaping certain retribution by the Allied governments at the end of World War II. Forsyth wrote that Odessa was responsible for the formal escape route out of Europe and into South America where the fanatical former Nazis would try and establish a Fourth Reich.  Watch the movie trailer here.

Copy of first edition cover of Forsyth novel, “The ODESSA File.” Photo by anonymous (c. 1972). PD-Low-resolution purpose for discussing book. Wikimedia Commons.
Copy of first edition cover of Forsyth novel, “The ODESSA File.” Photo by anonymous (c. 1972). PD-Low-resolution purpose for discussing book. Wikimedia Commons.
Studio poster for the movie “The Odessa File.” Photo by anonymous (c. 1974). ©Columbia Pictures. Wikimedia Commons.
Studio poster for the movie “The Odessa File.” Photo by anonymous (c. 1974). ©Columbia Pictures. Wikimedia Commons.

In reality, the organization of the Nazi and other war criminal’s escape routes entailed a much broader web of networks. As the Argentine author, Uki Goñi, put it, “layered rings” of non-Nazi entities sympathetic to Hitler and the Nazi regime were primarily responsible for the organization, implementation, and execution of moving its human cargo across the Atlantic. It wasn’t the singular, secretive, and Nazi SS-organized group as Forsyth portrayed in his book. Goñi’s exhaustive research (a lot of it due to declassified documents) found these “rings” to consist of four primary groups: the Vatican/Catholic Church, Allied intelligence agencies, Swiss authorities, and secret Argentine organizations supported by Juan Perón and his government. Beneficiaries of these escape routes included not only former SS men but war criminals from France (including Vichyites), Croatia, Slovakia, and Belgium. High ranking members of the Ustaše (Croatian) and Rexist (Belgium) fascist parties successfully used these routes to evade capture and certain death.

This is a story too large for one blog. I can only stimulate your appetite to read more about Odessa and the details of more than 10,000 of the most notorious and brutal Axis war criminals escaping to South America between 1945 and 1950. Read More Odessa: Myth or Truth?