As his body plummeted towards the Normandy landscape at 250 feet per second, Sgt. Hilliard was likely praying to God that his chute would open. He had been trained to clear the plane before pulling the cord. Sgt. Hilliard saw for only an instant that several of his crew mates managed to jump out of the damaged aircraft before it began its downward spiral and broke in two. Glancing up, he figured enough time had gone by to clear the damaged bomber. He pulled the cord and felt a rush of excitement and relief when the chute opened and caught the wind to slow down his descent. Those feelings were short-lived. Now he realized that he was at risk of being shot by the Luftwaffe attack fighters such as the Messerschmitt Me-109s and the Fw-190s or killed by the German’s anti-aircraft guns’ flak which had crippled his aircraft and worst of all, he had absolutely no control over the situation.
Hilton G. Hilliard. Photo by anonymous (date unknown). Permission to use by Ann Hilliard Ussery.
This is the story and fate of the top turret gunner, Hilton G. Hilliard (1920−1985), and the crew on the B-17F heavy bomber which was shot down over France on the evening of 29 May 1943. Read More Rendezvous With The Gestapo
Why did I pick this topic for today’s blog? Well, I ran across a BBC story (click here to read the article) about the women in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), a British military service during World War II. The article focuses on three women assigned to the RAF Biggin Hill air base during the Battle of Britain. These women were awarded the Military Medal (MM) while only six women received the MM during World War II.
DC-3 under the command of the Royal Air Force Transport Command. Standing in front from left to right: Leading Aircraftwoman Myra Roberts, Corporal Lydia Alford, and Leading Aircraftwoman Edna Birbeck. These were the first WAAF nursing orderlies selected to fly on air-ambulance duty to France. Photo by Stanley Arthur Devon (c. 1943). Imperial War Museum. PD-U.K. public domain. Wikimedia Commons.
I’m always intrigued with stories of women’s contributions during World War II and other historical events. Some of the past blogs include Women Agents of the SOE (click here to read), Killed in the Service of Her Country (click here to read), The Ten Percenters (click here to read), The Wrens (click here to read), The White Mouse (click here to read), and The Night Witches (click here to read).
Biggin Hill is likely a topic that our British friends and historians know very well. However, outside of England, the story of Biggin Hill during the war may be a topic that is not well-known. So, apologies to those of you who are familiar with RAF Biggin Hill and the role it played during the Battle of Britain. If you have comments, suggestions, or perhaps other information you think should be added to this blog, please contact me.
Did You Know?
Did you know that I live in Punta Gorda, Florida and have you ever heard of Punta Gorda? Well, our little town dates to 1884 and Punta Gorda has a very strong and proud history with all its citizens. One of the families that settled here in 1905 was Archie and Josephine Bailey. The Baileys were African American, and they had eleven children: nine boys and two girls.
The oldest boy, Maurice (1906−1990), enlisted in the army and served in World War II and the Korean conflict. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Berlin (1912−1997) served in the navy in the Pacific theater during World War II. Following the war, Berlin returned to Punta Gorda and was elected to the city’s planning commission. Charles (1918−2001) enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps and became the nation’s first African American armed forces pilot from Florida. He joined the 332nd Fighter Group and the 99thFighter Squadron commonly known “The Tuskegee Airmen.” Second Lt. Bailey, flying either a P-40 or P-51, flew 133 combat missions in Northern Africa and Europe as part of the “Red Tail Squadron.” After the war, Charles obtained his college degree and became a teacher. Harding (1920−1984) enlisted in the navy and served in the Atlantic theater. He became a school principal after the war. Paul (1922−1987) joined the army in 1943 and was a chaplain’s assistant in the Pacific theater. Paul obtained a music degree and became a high school music teacher. Arthur (1925−1959) enlisted in the U.S. Marines in February 1945 and saw action in the Pacific theater. Carl (1929−1957), the youngest son, served in the U.S. Air Force and flew F-84 Thunderjets. He was one of only two African American fighter pilots from Florida during the Korean conflict. Tragically, Carl died in an automobile accident.
Lt. Charles Bailey next to his P-51 Mustang named for his father. Photo by anonymous (date unknown).Lt. Carl A. Bailey standing beside his F-84 Thunderjet. Photo by anonymous (date unknown).
Collectively, these sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are known as “The Fighting Bailey Brothers.” Today, five of the brothers are interned at the Lt. Carl A. Bailey Cemetery in Punta Gorda. The passenger terminal at the Punta Gorda Airport is named in their honor.
The plaque in the Punta Gorda Airport Bailey Passenger Terminal. It commemorates the seven Fighting Bailey Brothers from Punta Gorda. Photo by anonymous (date unknown). Courtesy of Punta Gorda Airport.
Click here to watch the video Meet the “Fighting Bailey Brothers.”
Biggin Hill
The town of Biggin Hill is located in the south-east of Greater London. It is situated on one of the highest points of Greater London and its airport, Biggin Hill Airport, supports general aviation needs including private and business jet traffic. Although large enough for Boeing 737 aircraft, the airport is not a commercial (i.e., paying passengers) airport. Read More Biggin Hill
“Another outstanding, well-researched, and presented book by Stew Ross. It gives a detailed guided walking tour full of facts about the activities of the Gestapo during their occupation of Paris during World War II. I highly recommend this book to everyone who has an interest in what life was like during the Nazi occupation in France.”
Richard H.F. Neave, President Royal British Legion Paris branch, member Paris-based Libre Résistance SOE “F” Section and author of SOE: A Life in the Shadows
Lavishly illustrated, gripping guide to the Paris that existed under Nazi rule.
This is a fantastic new book that provides extensive information for both those planning a trip and for armchair historians. While there are are walks that take you past famous places made infamous by Nazi rule, there is also a lot of detailed information. Stew Ross provides details about many topics that are not necessarily popular, including anti-semitism and collaboration. Photos add poignancy. Paris is haunted by its past, and these pages show you exactly why. The days of the Occupation and the Resistance are not that distant.